Ensemble Suspirium presents: Latin American Baroque in Galerie Jakubská
15.09.2023 - Praha
When we hear the term “baroque music,” most of us immediately think of the various courts of
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Welcome to the
The biggest art gallery in the region, where every kind of art.
15.09.2023 - Praha
When we hear the term “baroque music,” most of us immediately think of the various courts of
15.06.2023: 18:00 - 19:00 - Galerie Jakubská
Established in April 2017 while attending Tokyo College of Music. The Hector Quartet receive a scholarship to
From 18.05.2023 until 01.06.2023 - Praha
Vážení přátelé a milovníci umění, Uplynulo šest let od smrti malíře Nicholase Egona a po těžkém období
From 17.04.2023 until 30.04.2023 - Prague
Slovenian photographer BOUT PETERLIN studied at the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU) in Prague from 1994 to
The Art Institute of Melbourne collects, preserves, and
interprets works of art of the highest quality, representing the world’s
diverse artistic traditions, for the inspiration.
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